COVID-19 Research Notes


33 pages worth of notes derived from over 65 research articles.


Table of Contents:

  1. Theory
  2. Definition/Description/History
    1. Coronaviruses
  3. Diagnostics
  4. Duration of Illness
  5. Transmission / Infectiousness
  6. Spike (S) Protein, Receptor Binding
  7. Immunity
    1. Cell-Mediated
    2. Antibody / Immunoglobulin Response
    3. Vaccination
  8. Reinfection
  9. Viral Shedding / Infectiousness
  10. Viral Persistence
  11. Interferon Type-1
  12. Pathology
    1. Acute Phase
    2. Post-Acute Phase
    3. Anatomical / Histological
    4. Olfactory Mucosa
    5. Immune
    6. Cardiovascular
    7. Cardiac
    8. Nervous System
  13. COVID-associated Coagulopathy
  14. Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia (MAHA)
  15. Ferroptosis
  16. Superadded Infections/Pathologies in addition to COVID-19
    1. Dormant Virus Reactivation
  17. Symptomatology
  18. Post-Infectious Syndrome
    1. ME/CFS
      1. Brain Blood-Flow Dynamics
      2. Neuroinflammation
      3. Glucose Hypometabolism
      4. Upregulated Serotonin Receptors
      5. Diagnostics
      6. Comorbidities prior to Onset
      7. Shortened Lifespan
    2. Historical Models
      1. The Russian Flu Pandemic, 1889-1890
    3. Non-COVID-19 Models
    4. Post-Infection Cellulitis
  19. References


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